B. Perbedaan Individu
Tiap-tiap individu
mempunyai kecenderungan berbeda yang secara keseluruhan lebih banyak bersifat
Ciri dan sifat orang
yang satu berbeda dengan yang lain. Perbedaan ini disebut perbedaan individual.
Maka “perbedaan” dalam “ perbedaan individual” adalah menyangkut variasi yang
terjadi, baik variasi pada aspek fisik maupun psikologis.
Bidang-bidang perbedaan
1963 (Oxendine, 1984: 317) mengkategorikan perbedaan individual ke dalam
bidang-bidang berikut:
Perbedaan fisik: usia, tingkat dan berat badan, jenis kelamin,
pendengaran, penglihatan, dan kemampuan bertindak.
Perbedaan sosial termasuk status ekonomi, agama, hubungan keluarga, dan
Perbedaan kepribadian termasuk watak, motif, minat, dan sikap.
Perbedaan intelejensi dan kemampuan dasar.
Perbedaan kecakapan dan kepandaian di sekolah
Perbedaan kognitif
Kemampuan kognitif merupakan kemampuan yang berkaitan dengan penguasaan
ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Intelegensi (kecerdasan) sangat mempengaruhi
kemampuan kognitif seseorang
Perbedaan individual dalam kecakapan bahasa
Kemampuan berbahasa merupakan
kemampuan seseorang untuk menyatakan buah pikirannya dalam bentuk ungkapan kata
dan kalimat yang penuh makna, logis, dan sistematis.
Kemampuan berbahasa sangat
dipengaruhi oleh faktor kecerdasan, faktor lingkungan, dan faktor fisik (organ
Perbedaan dalam kecakapan motorik
Kecakapan motorik atau kemampuan
psikomotorik merupakan kemampuan untuk melakukan koordinasi kerja syaraf
motorik yang dilakukan oleh syaraf pusat untuk melakukan kegiatan.
Kemampuan motorik dipengaruhi oleh kematangan pertumbuhan fisik dan
tingkat kemampuan berpikir, semakin bertambahnya umur seseorang, berarti ia
semakin matang dan akan mampu menunjukkan tingkat kecakapan motorik yang
semakin tinggi.
Perbedaan dalam latar belakang
Perbedaan latar belakang dan
pengalaman dapat menghambat prestasi,
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
antara lain: sikap anggota keluarga dan lingkungan sekitar.
Perbedaan dalam bakat
Bakat merupakan kemampuan khusus
yang dibawa sejak lahir. Kemampuan tersebut akan berkembang jika mendapat
rangsangan secara tepat.
Program pendidikan harus
memperhatikan dan mengupayakan proses belajar mengajar yang mampu merangsang
bakat yang dimiliki peserta didik.
demikian perencanaan pendidikan selanjutnya lebih memperhatikan kemampuan atau
bakat baik itu akademik maupun kemampuan khusus untuk dijadikan dasar pertimbangan.
B. Individual differences
Each individual has a distinct tendency to a whole lot more quantitative
Characteristics and properties that one person differs from another. This difference is called individual differences. Then the "difference" in the "individual differences" is related to the variation that occurs, both the variation in physical and psychological aspects.
1. Areas of difference
Garry 1963 (Oxendine, 1984: 317) categorizes individual differences in the following areas:
• Physical differences: age, level and weight, sex, hearing, vision, and ability to act.
• The socio including economic status, religion, kinship, and tribe.
• The differences of personality, including character, motives, interests, and attitudes.
• Differences of intelligence and basic skills.
• Different skills and abilities in school
a. Differences in cognitive
Cognitive ability is the ability associated with the mastery of science and technology. Intelligence greatly affect a person's cognitive abilities
b. Individual differences in language proficiency
The ability to speak a person's ability to express his thoughts in the form of the expression of words and sentences in a meaningful, logical, and systematic.
Language ability is strongly influenced by intelligence factors, environmental factors, and physical factors (organ pengujar)
c. Differences in motor skills
Motor skills or psychomotor skills is an ability to coordinate work done by the motor nerve to the central nervous activity.
Center sensory stimulation sensory nerve
Response (activity) Recipient command motor nerve
Each individual has a distinct tendency to a whole lot more quantitative
Characteristics and properties that one person differs from another. This difference is called individual differences. Then the "difference" in the "individual differences" is related to the variation that occurs, both the variation in physical and psychological aspects.
1. Areas of difference
Garry 1963 (Oxendine, 1984: 317) categorizes individual differences in the following areas:
• Physical differences: age, level and weight, sex, hearing, vision, and ability to act.
• The socio including economic status, religion, kinship, and tribe.
• The differences of personality, including character, motives, interests, and attitudes.
• Differences of intelligence and basic skills.
• Different skills and abilities in school
a. Differences in cognitive
Cognitive ability is the ability associated with the mastery of science and technology. Intelligence greatly affect a person's cognitive abilities
b. Individual differences in language proficiency
The ability to speak a person's ability to express his thoughts in the form of the expression of words and sentences in a meaningful, logical, and systematic.
Language ability is strongly influenced by intelligence factors, environmental factors, and physical factors (organ pengujar)
c. Differences in motor skills
Motor skills or psychomotor skills is an ability to coordinate work done by the motor nerve to the central nervous activity.
Center sensory stimulation sensory nerve
Response (activity) Recipient command motor nerve
Motor skills are affected by the physical
growth and maturity level thinking skills, the person's age, he is more mature
and be able to demonstrate the level of motor skills are higher.
d. Differences in background
Different backgrounds and experiences can hamper performance,
Factors that affect, among others: the attitude of family members and the environment.
Different backgrounds and experiences can hamper performance,
Factors that affect, among others: the attitude of family members and the environment.
Differences in talent
Talent is a special ability inborn. These capabilities will grow if given the proper stimulation.
The education program should consider and pursue the learning process that is able to stimulate the talents of students.
Thus more attention to the next level of planning skill or talent both academic and special ability to serve as the basis of consideration.
Talent is a special ability inborn. These capabilities will grow if given the proper stimulation.
The education program should consider and pursue the learning process that is able to stimulate the talents of students.
Thus more attention to the next level of planning skill or talent both academic and special ability to serve as the basis of consideration.
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